Wednesday, June 30, 2010

8 Ways to Create an “A Team”

What does "A Team " means to you?  

    It means A group of people where you can find unity and all the players are in the same page, focusing in to achieve a very common and clear goal. Usually like minded individuals, with positive attitude, even when differences in  personalities rise, those different aspects and perspectives of situations in life or business, makes a well balance group an "A Team".

   If you are in your 30`s like I am, sure you remember that  TV series call the "A team", I used to run home after school, to sit down in front of my T.V set (no plasma does days yet) To enjoy and watch one of my favorite series on tv in those days.

  These guys had different personalties, but every one bran something to the table, one common goal, and good attitude. Have You Created your "A Team" yet?

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
    Victor Pagan
 Internet Marketing Success Coach

I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online
I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education

Get Connected to The Best Online Marketing Education for Entrepreneurs

Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily

       If You have more time than money, social media its the way to go on your promotion efforts of getting leads, but the true of the matter is that it can consume hours and hours of your much precious time.

 If you get to crazy about each and every auto direct message, without selecting the ones you understand are more important and connected to the conversations or connections you really need to establish, this way you can avoid spending to so many hours, specially if you have other accounts to take care of.

If your wondering " How the heck To manage social media marketing in 10 min."  Nathan Hangen, in 3 simple and brilliant steps explains how to be able to accomplish in such a short time the task of managing social media marketing.


Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
 Victor Pagan
 Internet Marketing Success Coach
 I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online I needed guidance.
 I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education :
Get Connected To The Best Online Marketing Education Here...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10 Tips For Building Costumer Loyalty

You can say that costumer loyalty is the name of the game, its not what kind of customers you have, its what kind of Service you are giving to your customers, what will make them come back , and keep coming, establishing this way a relationship that will last for a long time.

I like the Way autor Chintia Bharwada  explains customer layalty in 10 simple but extremly important tips...

  1.  Understand the true purpose of marketing
  2. Identify and build your brand
  3. Tap in to what customers want   
  4. Understand what customers actually are paying for
  5. Outcomes matter ...6...7...8...9..10  

                                              Read More...On This Topic

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
 Victor Pagan
 Internet Marketing Success Coach
 I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online.I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education :
Get Connected With The Best Online Business Education Platform

Monday, June 21, 2010



Good Guy and working hard every day to become a better person. I love God's Work, on earth, I am an Entrepreneur, loving life and living it at its fullness, love to help people achieve there dreams as i achieve mines. I like to be humble in what i do, let others speak about me and not my self, I feel passion and love in my believe, I fight for what i love and the things i wish to achieve. Love Music, Good Nutrition, Networking, Online Marketing, CCPRO.

Learn More on Victor`s Purpose

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best Victor Pagan Internet Marketing Success Coach I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online…I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education :
Get Connected to this Online Business Platform Education

Saturday, June 19, 2010

17 Steps to obtain a Millionaire  Mindset

Here is a video Clip on 17 steps to develop a Millionaire mind set.
 You are not a Mind, You have a mind, it is your possession like all possessions, it can own you if you let it.
   Control your thoughts for success. Self Mastery begins with control of your mind." Millionaires Mindset...

See Video Here

 Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
     Victor Pagan 
Internet Marketing Success Coach
I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online…I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education

Get Connected With This Online Business Education Platform

PART 5: 5 Daily Activities of Successful  People


The Level Of Your Success is Determine By The Level Of Your Patience

If you want to build an internet business that can stand the test of time and not just a couple of month, patience is the virtue that will allow  you. Its like planting seeds online, you have to take very good care of it, watering it with your effort and money every day, and then washing it grow  big and strong, positive cash flow  producing trees.

Now, if you are reading this article looking for a get rich quick miracle online, stop looking for it , and don't fool your self , IT DOESNT EXIST. There is nothing online that will give you instant success.

I know it sounds harsh but is true, anything online that last, takes work effort, time and money to develop. You Need to have patience with your online business.

You got to have patience cause you are going to learn a lot of new skills, and if you try to rush them trying to find a short-cut, it will not work and it can be catastrophic , it will easily destroy your chances of  making a long-term profit.

Dont take short cuts, you will lose more time in the long run, it just doesn't work. they are proven systems and ways online that will help you make lots of money, But none of them mention nothing of shortcuts.

Remember these things:

1. To create and run you internet business can take at lease 3-6 months

2. To make it extremely profitable 6-12 months if not many years.

So be prepared to invest your time, money, and effort to make your online business successful, as well as being patient enough to see the seeds you plant today grow into the money-making trees you intended them to be.

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
Victor Pagan

 Internet Marketing Success Coach I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online. I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education :

Get Connected to this Online Business Education Platform Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Friday, June 18, 2010

PART 4: 5 Daily Activities of Successful  People

There is no Success Without Persistence...

Persistence is when you insist in something , to go on  and on again, even when you fail at it. Many people are afraid of trying new things  because of failure.

Many people don't know that in order to learn and develop in life, you must fail to move up by doing it again the right way. "This way you keep moving forward"

Many people in the event of failing, the next thing they do is, give up, The right approach is to see  every failure as a lesson to succeed, and by persisting it would make success an inevitable event.
You see, we can't see failure as, an impossible obstacle to overcome, but as a way to learn and improve your internet business. When you fail, take the time to see what went wrong, and try doing it again, only this time correcting the wrong step that made you stumble or maby fall, take the proper precautions and keep moving forward .

Failure, brings frustrations at times, but once we can understand in our minds that it's just showing us the right way of doing things, this will bring us peace of mind and control  to over come all those tiny obstacles  that try to pull us out of the road of success,  but if you fall stand up, try again persist, that's the name of the game.

In fact I can almost assure you, that if you put the time and focus on your effort and you stay  persistent, your chances of succeed in all aspects of your life  will be much greater that if you don't, it does not matter what you have accomplish or if you havent accomplish anything, just think about this... today is a new day.

   Your financial situation at the moment does not matter, you will have a new opportunity tomorrow to make a difference, what you get done in your life and in your business today will dictate what will happen tomorrow.

Do not give up on your dreams, make a commitment to your self,  start today...right now, and persist, say to every one..." Move over I am going to concord my dreams, for me and my family!,  persist until you reach your dreams, don't even think about stopping until you get there, this way reaching the mile stone you have set for your online business.

When you wake up in the morning, and during your daily activities keep saying this to your self "Persistence, persistence, persistence. I will have persistence, because by persisting success will be mine!"

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best

Victor Pagan Internet Marketing Success Coach

 I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online

   ¦I needed guidance.
 I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education :

PART 3: 5 Daily Activities of Successful People


If success is in your path, You have to dominate the simple but often difficult skill of focusing. Finding focus in our daily life its something we all struggle with, but we sure have to find out how at some point, and i think the time is now.

Have you ever heard the expression "do not leave for tomorrow what you can achieve today" provably you have, Running a business online is no difference.

If You focus on  "What Ever it is"  you want to be successful in, This most be THE #1, On your list of priorities, you will get great at  it, and eventually, sooner than later, You will achieve your objective.

That's why entrepreneurs don't focus on broad categories of life. We focus our Time on Daily and Weekly activities previously organized  in our schedules, My friend Juan Walker likes to call this process "Micro-Targeting" This is where you do the prep work to actually accomplish one of your tasks.

So if i Say i am going to write on my blog ...I pick a topic of message i want to write about, do some research, pick some key words and get down to business, this helps me to accomplish my task in a timely manner. I don't sit down wondering, or preparing to get prepare, Just wasting time.

The point is micro-targeting your goal with baby steps, and before you notice , your goal it is doable, and done.

"As I accomplish each of my tasks everyday, I come one giant step closer towards achieving my main goal. The closer I get, the more I focus. The more I focus, the more I get done, and the cycle continues until I reach my goal. "JW

Why is this extremely important to an individual success? As humans, we are more successful when we work in a environment of order not chaos, When you focus on getting the task done( the baby steps) your mayor goal will now become a reality.

You will not look  at a goal and say "this is to difficult or big to accomplish"anymore. You now know you have to break your goals in finite steps and focus on those every day. Success comes when you focus on the details not in the big picture, in order to get to the main land, you have to cross the bridge first , step by step.

Next thing is Persistence and Consistency day in and day out...(obviously, taking time to rest and doing what ever relaxing activity you like the most, this will clear your mind and renew your energy level.

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best

              Victor Pagan
 Internet Marketing Success Coach

I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online¦I needed guidance. 
I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education 

Get connected With This Online Marketing Education Platform 

PART 2: 5 Daily Activities of Successful  People

Finding The Right Motivation

The Reason most internet marketers don't attain the success they desire is lack of MOTIVATION. It happens because there is no energy and lack of clear thoughts on what to do.

Think about this, how many times do you read a book or an article that explains a specific marketing plan of action step by step , where if followed, You can make lots of money online? Most likely more than one's, right?

Well, what most people think after they read something like that is " No, this is to much work, and anyway i will never get the type of success this guy gets with that, I am not capable  of doing this or that. So immediately since there mind set is negative, their is not going to be no motivation at all to any activity.

You see I have learn that people tent to evaluate there plan of action by how much work its involve on there part. Instead of Thinking "If this plan is going to help me achieve my Goals and Dreams I am going for it. "

Let me help you understand one important key thing here...Successful Individuals are successful not because they make huge leaps every day toward there goal. Its because they are happy with making small baby steps in a consistent way, that will culminate, and take them to a huge success in the long term.

This is exactly where a lot of people run in to major problems and don't follow threw. They try to find the easy way out, and eventually they get lost and discourage. You really need to stop being lazy and remember what happen when we were kids.

You remember being successful the first time you played a sport or maybe  wrote a bike the first time? obviously not. It took time, practice and patience to become efficient and successful at what ever you were doing. Its exactly the same thing that happens in Online Marketing.

Regularly to become a huge success online does not happen overnight. This is the reason why finding the right motivation is so important. You will have to find that motivation that will force you to keep going no matter what.

WHAT IS YOUR WHY ? ask your self that simple but important question, what gets you going , is it money?, or maybe, your family, or that lovely charity you want to be part of, what ever it is, get it ! go inside your self and find it, grab on to it and do not let it go. Once  you know why you work hard and stay up late and get up early each day becomes fun!

My motivation its very simple... I want to be able to help as much people as possible reach there goals, Maintaining total financial freedom,  giving back to my community and family.

So you must look inside you and find your why. Grab a piece of paper and write down a list from the most important reason to the least.

Take another sheet of paper, and write this down:

I (your name) am doing what ever is necessary to reach my goals. I am determined and will not quit. I will do it because....Write down the reasons.

Then post it Right in front of your computer, where you can read it every day until you memorize it. then you will not forget and you will not give up UNTIL YOU REACH EACH AND ONE OF THOUS GOALS.


Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best
 Victor Pagan
 Internet Marketing Success Coach
 I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online, I needed guidance
. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education
Get Connected With This New Online Business Model Education Platform

PART 1: 5 Daily Activities of Successful People

Did you know that there are five common activities that all successful people do every single day? What if you can learn these steps to follow, and after learning what to do, you can implement them in order to see the same success in your business? Would you be open minded to follow threw? So Now the ball is in your court...

Well, Today is your lucky day! I just feel like sharing some of these principals with you, because i am beginning to like you ; )


This is a Skill that many marketers neglect to follow either implement in to there online businesses, think about it, there are all these distractions all over the internet that can easily take you out of your track, to mention some of them: reading all source of incoming e-mails, watching video's, checking on there stocks, chatting, and the list goes on and on... These are time consuming activities but non productive ones, So how can You minimize distractions and work more efficiently ?

a.YOU HAVE TO SET YOUR HOURS OF WORK: It doesn't matter if is full time or part time, Set up your space with no interruptions.

b.HAVE DAILY GOALS: Set up a "To do list " for the following day. In completing these goals, mark them off and take a moment to celebrate! Be organize and keep track of your accomplishments.

C. Stay focus: Try to finish what you started, if for some reason you can't, you must bookmark it and make  sure its taken care off as soon as possible.

d. TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER and go Enjoy Life !!! Rememmber the power of the internet is that it works for you 24/7, not you to work 24/7...also you want to take 10 min. breaks during your working hours and clear your mind , this will help you to keep a higher sense of focus when working.

But more important , keep sight of what is that drives you...your "WHY" either spending time with your family OR giving back to your church and community, or what ever it is, but remember you have to create balance between  the other things in you life that are also important for you.

In my Next Post i will cover other Daily Activities of successful people...

Sincerely Yours and Wishing You the Best 

 Victor Pagan 
 Internet Marketing Success Coach 
 I was a MLM Junkie, looking for a miracle online…I needed guidance. I found it Here, The Best Marketing Education 
Get Connected to this Online business Education Platform